Re: Watcher is invasion of privacy [was: Network Monitoring and Control (announcement)]

Kayvan Sylvan (kayvan@Sylvan.COM)
Fri, 31 Mar 95 08:07 PST

>>>>> "r" == root  <apple!!root> writes:

r> Am I the only one who feels this is an invasion of privacy?  

No. You're not the only one. It most certainly is.


"The trust and respect of a child is an honor to be earned, not demanded."
Kayvan Sylvan          | Sylvan Associates         | Proud Dad of:
kayvan@Sylvan.COM      | Training, Consulting      | Katherine Yelena (8/8/89)
(408) 978-1407 can PGP | Ask me about Avatar.      | Robin Gregory (2/28/92)